The 2021 season officially starts Monday, August 16th at 7:45 a.m. at the Hale Commons!
Register with the school before August 16th. The link is updated as the school updated their website so use this link to register --> Guys will continue to meet daily at the park until the season start up. These summer runs are key to the team's success. Incoming freshmen are welcome to join but it is totally fine to start up on August 16th, especially this year given the gap in middle school sports. The team and coaches look forward to meeting our freshmen athletes and seeing them progress over the coming months and years! First off parents, please look over the parent letter information, especially new parents. Parent Letter (info on shoes, our sport and more!) Second, look over our team standards which are the foundation to our program. We hold the young men on the team to these standards and they are essential to being a part of the Hale XC program. Our XC Team Standards Runathon - August 28th! Use the form to start getting sponsors for our running fundraiser on August 28th! Ask family, friends, stores and businesses! Meet Schedule and early season dates. Also included is the parent information. See below document.
November 2024
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