Parents please see below some information and things to take care of as we head into the 2022 season!
The men had an amazing time at camp this last week! It is a great 3 days of getting a feel for what in season training is like, getting to know teammates, and having an absolute blast. It's always the best 3 days of the year. More photos on Insta account and soon to be in team photos album when season starts up. Team Store is Open! The store will close on July 31st at 11:59 p.m. Fan Shirts Orders will open up the first week of practice. We will be selling these to anyone and they will match the shirt that the team will be wearing to meets. Your son(s) will get the shirt for free as part of their uniform, while the fan shirts will be for sale and for fans to put last names or nicknames on the back of. Register/Physical before first official practice! Please be sure to have your son(s) eligible for the first day of official practice on August 15th. They need an updated physical from the past two years and to do the online registration with it here, The team will continue to meet up at the park daily up until the first practice! It has been cool to already see some great progress in those that have been showing up this summer. Team Communication I will use our team website once the season starts and update our blog each weekend! The blog will have a recap of the previous week/meet as well as information for the upcoming week. Please check in on our team site often during the season for news, information and photos. Save the blog link to your favorites. Schedule/Standards When the season officially begins we expect athletes to be at each practice and event and the schedule has been available on our site for planning. At camp we had a great fire talk going over our team standards and the men will become very familiar with them as we base our lifestyle off of them. They are found here as well to make sure they are familiar with them and know the high standards we set to create the best team and experience. Labor Day practice will be at 6:00 p.m. at Hale. No lockerroom available so come dressed to run with shoes. Important Links below! 2022 Parent Information Letter Click Here to find our 2022 Schedule Click Here to sign up to host pasta party! Family Night Our second annual family night will on Saturday, August 20th which will also be our alumni/future Husky race. This will be a 3k race on our campus and families are welcome to join in or watch then hang out after to chat and/or play dodgeball! We will have pizza as well. The race will begin at 6:00 p.m. with hangout to follow. Athletes will arrive by 5:30 to warmup for the race and it is a required event. Runathon Fundraiser! The other event is our Runathon Fundraiser. This will be our 3rd year of doing this fun event and it is a way we pay for the camp the guys did in summer, as well as shirts/uniforms and other team events. Our goal is for each athlete to raise at least 75 dollars and they do this by asking family, friends, businesses for donations either flat donations or per lap for the Runathon run on the track under the lights. This is also a required event and in years past we have had parent/families attend to watch. We have music and run under the lights. We are looking to add to the fun this year and have some other fun things added to the night! Parent Meeting Tuesday August 16th at 6:00 p.m. / Pasta Parties A tradition going back decades, we have the men gather at a teammate's house prior to race day to eat pasta and hang out. We have a few experienced parents in the group that can help out and we appreciate any families that can step up and welcome the team over the day before meets. We will have a parent meeting on Tuesday, August 16th at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria where you can sign up for a slot if you want to look ahead at the schedule. Example, our Betz Meet is September 2nd so the pasta party would be held the night before on September 1st. The guys usually head over right after practice at about 5 p.m. for those. Here is the form each athlete will get the first week, but if you want to get a head start on asking for donations that would be awesome! Runathon Form
November 2024
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